The Pre-HLB project addressed the threat of huanglongbing or greening (HLB) of citrus fruits at a technical conference, held on April 7, 2022. At the meeting, the strategies for the production of citrus nursery plants were analyzed.
In the presentations, the disease and its different vectors were made known, as well as the risks it poses for Mediterranean citriculture by researcher Leandro Peña, member of the Institute of Plant Cellular Molecular Biology (IBMCP) of the Higher Research Council Scientific (CSIC).
For his part, Luis Navarro, advisor to the CSIC, offered information on the safe production of certified seedlings, as an essential tool for the prevention and control of HLB.
During the day, Paco Piñero from the Plant Health Service of the Department of Agriculture also reported on aid for biosafety installations for plant reproduction materials.
Likewise, from the Valencian Institute of Agricultural Research (IVIA), the researcher Mari Carmen Vives explained the citrus health improvement program as the first line of defense against HLB.
The event concluded with the presentation of the phytosanitary regulations by Carles Escrivà from the Plant Certification Section.
The Vinaròs Town Hall, the municipality in which the meeting took place, also collaborated in the celebration of the event.